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A Note on Spirit Attachments

It's the season of spooky and scary things so let's talk about something taboo that does actually come up in energy healing sessions: Spirit Attachments! Yes, they can happen and are real but don't believe all the scary hoopla that you see in movies. The majority of spirit attachments look a lot different in "reality." They are also not that common so don't panic! My experience with spirit attachments continues to be vast and varied so I decided to write this blog to clarify the misconceptions about this topic and give you the actual truth as I know it based on my experiences and study of spirit attachments.

Spirit Resume

I am apparently a connoisseur of spirit attachments and not by choice. For what I believe is a karmic reason, I get a lot of spirit attachments in my life. I tend to pick them up from clients, locations I haven't been before and large crowds. I have performed spirit releases for many of my own clients and other Reiki masters ask me to perform spirit releases for their clients and many times for themselves. Energy healing work can attract these attachments and spirit releases are not everyone's cup of tea. But for whatever reason, I'm very comfortable with it so the universe frequently sends them my way. I guess this is just part of my life journey!

The Basics

First, to understand spirit attachments you must be open to understanding that there are other dimensions beyond the 3D Earth as explained by Quantum Mechanics. The beings and spirits that seek to attach to our energy fields dwell in these other dimensions. I don't know what exists in all these dimensions or what rules regulate these dimensions, but on Earth, beings and spirits from these other dimensions can interact with us but usually must respect our freewill. Although this is the rule, on occasion they will ignore it for both benevolent and nefarious reasons.

Spirits are attracted to weaknesses within our individual energy fields. Spirits can use these weaknesses to allow themselves to attach to your energy field, hang out and siphon energy which can affect your physical and mental well-being. Weaknesses tend to be caused by karma and trauma both from this life and past lives. Unfortunately, we are unaware of what weaknesses our energy field might have so any attachment is usually unintentional and unwanted from our point of view. It does not mean you are a bad person if you get a spirit attachment. They can happen to anyone.

Common Types of Spirit Attachments

So what is a spirit attachment? There are 2 main types of spirit attachments that I run into during sessions: Dense balls of energy created by intense emotions and the most notorious, however fairly uncommon, disembodied spirits which can be anything from a stuck, crossed-over spirit to something that would be more accurately labeled a demon. I know...I didn't think that was real either. But once you pull that genie out of the lamp there's no going back!

Dense Balls of Energy

The most common type of spirit attachment is dense balls of energy created by emotions. These energy balls form when a person has huge, intense expressions of emotions such as rage, grief, shame, etc and the energy breaks out of the energy field and just starts floating around looking for more energy just like it. The rule between dimensions is "like attracts like." This type of spirit attachment is non-sentient, does not think or have motive. It merely operates as "like attracts like." As such, as it floats around it can pick up more energy just like it. Hey, I'm Rage...Just floating around looking for some more floating-around Rage...or even someone who has a lot of Rage!  If you have a matching weakness in your energy field, they can attach and drain your personal energy making you feel less like yourself.

Disembodied Spirits

The second type is the most "Hollywood-ified" one and although not the most common, it does come up every now and then. It is the disembodied spirit. This type of attachment is an ego-based sentient spirit with their own thoughts and motives. This type of spirit is usually a disembodied soul stuck between the Earthly dimension and the heavenly realm. They are stuck maybe because they had a sudden, unexpected death and didn't realize they actually died, or they have unresolved previous life issues or perhaps they were a soul so dark that they are fearful of what awaits them if they fully crossover.

I must emphasize however, not all these spirits are malefic. Some just want to be helpful to you, such as a spirit of a grandma who just wants to be with her grandchild and help them if she can. Well-meaning, but she is still a spirit attachment. But, yes, there are other disembodied spirits who are naughty and want to control you and will ignore your freewill to further their own agenda. Either way, benevolent or malefic, these spirits do not belong here and need to move on to their next life. Thankfully, all can easily be removed without the dramatic battle of good vs. evil like in movies.

How Spirit Attachments Can Affect Our Wellbeing

Spirit attachments affect our physical and mental health. Usually the symptoms become immediately noticeable. A good indicator of a spirit attachment is changes to your mood and energy level. You may be more tired than normal, more depressed, more anxious, more rageful, etc. You may have thoughts and actions which are no longer in alignment with who you normally are. Your thoughts may be violent and suicidal out of nowhere. You may have intense nightmares or see faces as you fall asleep. You may hear voices or feel strong urges to do something that is horrifying to you. These symptoms sound a lot like many different types of mental health issues but I find the difference is the sudden change with no previous mental health issues before. You also are completely aware that these thoughts and feelings are disturbing. You just know something is off. You feel wrong.

Hollywood movies have made this look super scary and evil (think The Exorcist) but that's just movies. That's not what it is actually like although the messages and thoughts these attachments can send to you can come pretty close. Some spirits can be downright evil. They can also hide in your energy field, even from some Reiki healers, and will do anything it takes to not be released. Usually, if there is a spirit present during a Reiki session I will start getting warnings from the spirit. They'll send me messages and visuals that are very scary and disturbing in their last ditch effort to scare me off. Unfortunately for them, I know their tricks and we are always stronger than they are.

What To Do

If you think you have a spirit attachment, don't panic. Contact a Reiki Master and discuss what disturbances you have been experiencing. Depending on the symptoms, I would also recommend contacting a mental health professional as Reiki and other supportive mental health services go well together. An Usui Holy Fire Reiki Master or practicing Shaman can release these spirit attachments. Once they have performed the release, it can take a week or so for the effects of the spirit to dissipate and process from your energy field. You should feel better and back to normal within a week.

I have had several disturbing spirit attachments but the first one I ever had I didn't even know what a spirit attachment was! If you would like to read my first personal experience with a spirit attachment click here.

Can you Avoid Spirit Attachments?

Yes and no. Most spirit attachments rely on weaknesses in our energy field that we are not even aware of. So if there's a weakness it may attach. However, regular energy healing with Reiki, Qigong, Tai Chi and some forms of meditation may heal these weaknesses before they ever allow an attachment.

Protecting your energy field can be helpful, too. There are simple things you can do each day to protect, detox and clear your energy field which may limit certain types of spirit attachments. It's all about raising your vibration and healing!

Meditating first thing in the morning and visualizing yourself surrounded by a protective bubble can help ward off energy balls. This is extremely helpful to empaths and should be part of your daily energetic hygiene.

Energetic balls of emotion can be picked up anywhere but I find them especially potent in hospitals, assisted living facilities, cemeteries, funeral homes and large crowds. But you never know where you might encounter one. I felt a very dense ball of panic yesterday on the cereal aisle at the grocery store!

After visiting these places, it can be helpful to try a salt bath such as Epsom or Sea Salt. Salt is a powerful cleanser even to the energy field. The clearest place I've ever been to is the salt flats in Death Valley. Just standing in the valley surrounded by mountains, minerals and the salt under your feet and everywhere. It was like a vacation for my energy field.

You can also use salt to create protective barriers around your home. Sprinkle Himalayan salt or sea salt above doorways and windowsills. This keeps wandering spirits away. You can also try carrying protection crystals such as black tourmaline that are supposed to ward off negative energy. I have had good luck with placing small black tourmaline in the corners of my child's room to ward off entity visits.

Avoidance and common sense can also help to avoid disembodied spirits. Avoid meditating when you are charged up with emotions as this may attract unwanted spectators. Keep your thoughts positive and try to avoid repeated negative thoughts or self talk. Limit watching violent or negative themed tv or news for long periods of time. This can drastically lower your vibration.

Also avoid "fun" spooky activities like makeshift seances in a graveyard or trying to contact the dead. If you must, go on a Ghost Tour with a local agency but don't try this on your own. I can't say this one enough- Do NOT use Ouija boards. I know it's Halloween and feels so fun to delve into the darkness this time of year, but honestly don't. These boards open unfiltered and uncontrolled channels for spirits. You cannot verify who may come through and more often than not, this spirit does not have good intentions. Leave mediumship to the professionals who know how to verify spirits and protect themselves if necessary. Same goes for trying to summon spirits or other entities using random books from the library or store. My Reiki Master Teacher had a client who as a teenager found a book that detailed how to summon a demon and of course he went into the woods and attempted to do just that and crazy stuff happened...and that demon had been attached to him ever since. So just don't. It's not fun and games and silly, spooky fun. It's a bad idea. Period.


After my personal spirit attachment experience I started questioning if maybe some of the people in mental institutions and jails are just suffering from a spirit attachment? I researched it further and completed the Reiki Master certification so I could release spirit attachments for others and myself, as well as share this knowledge so that it is more normalized and understood that it is a real thing that affects people every day and not just spiritual woo-woo junk.

I actually enjoy spirit attachment releases as it's a win-win for the client and the spirit. The spirit moves on and your weakness is healed. Weirdly, I actually have a lot of gratitude for that first spirit attachment that taught me so much. Now I totally understand what they are capable of and have deep compassion for anyone going through the same thing. I learned that maybe there is light and darkness but the light is always stronger. Even when faced with the worst kind of spirit, the universe responds with absolute, divine love and forgiveness. It doesn't punish what's being released. The universe reminds the spirit that we are all one and that it belongs in the light just as we all do.


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