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Forgiveness is a Gift to Yourself

December 27, 2023

It's that time of year where everywhere you go you are bombarded with the "New Year, New You" marketing campaign that urges you to work out, eat better and find happiness in 2024. We've heard it so many times we just tune it out. While those things can be great for us of course, our success is usually inconsistent and we revert back to our old ways within months. Why? Many times we have old patterns, programs and emotions in our energy field keeping us from moving forward in our lives. They are literally holding us back. But what if we could release some of these barriers with a simple practice that yields permanent changes? It can be done. This year consider a month of inner work to let go and forgive. Let's give ourselves the gift of a lighter heart and spirit. Let's end some of these programs and patterns by removing the energetic connection giving them power: emotions. Let's drop the heavy burden of emotions like guilt, shame, animosity, hatred, frustration or rage. These are very strong emotions that easily manipulate your self-worth and alter your perception of the world. You do not have to carry these any longer. There is no badge of honor for your trials. Let your body naturally release what is holding you back with Forgiveness. Begin this practice for 30 days in the new year and you will be amazed how different you feel by February. 

First, is there a situation, an event or a person that continues to disturb your peace? Do feelings and traumas attached to this situation or person make you continually feel bad and bring out the worst in you and you find yourself behaving as a completely different person when confronted by it bringing you shame and disappointment in yourself? Or maybe you 100% avoid it so you don't ever have to feel that way again? Out of sight, out of mind does not make it go away or lessen with time. Instead, let's simply acknowledge there are things you'd like to release and let go of for your own well-being. We are not forgiving them or what has happened. We are not condoning another's behavior or making situations okay when they are not. We are forgiving ourselves for holding on and for allowing our inner peace to be disturbed. We are forgiving ourselves for the pain.

I have had unbelievable success with the ancient Hawaiian art of Forgiveness, Ho'oponopono. No training or gurus needed. You can do this every day on your own in less than 10 minutes. This practice is so incredibly easy that at first you'll probably feel pretty silly or pretty mad as you say the super easy 4 sentences that will eventually change your heart. 

First, if you like, identify the problem(person, event, situation) that you would like to focus on for Forgiveness. You don't actually have to know what is bothering you and it still works, but for me I was very clear about needing to heal and forgive myself in regards to another person. This person for me had reached intolerable status and I would avoid being around this person at all costs. But when I did interact with this person I found an ugly version of myself would come out. I know this was a horrible way to protect myself from this person so I'd feel guilty and ashamed. I needed to forgive this pattern for my own well-being. 

Just pick 1-2 times a day to recite this easy mantra:

I am sorry.

Please forgive me.

Thank you.

I love you.

That's it. Recite up to 8 times in the morning and repeat before you go to bed. At first, you might be pretty annoyed saying this as you think about the person or situation. It might feel like you are forgiving them and every ounce of your being is against that. You may even find saying "I love you" extremely difficult as you have never actually said this to yourself before. For me, the first week of practice made me mad. I kept telling myself I am practicing Forgiveness not forgiving this person who in my eyes was the worst kind of human being. Two weeks in and I felt the change. Saying the mantra now felt personal. I felt like I was having a daily coffee chat with my higher self. I looked forward to it and had emotional releases as I said the mantra. 

Thirty days later, I absolutely felt the effects of Forgiveness. This person no longer disturbs my peace. It's like the situation was neutralized. Thinking about this person now gives me no emotional charge- like I'm thinking about a plant or a lamp. It's such a tremendous relief! When I'm around this person, I have no internal or external reaction. I feel sympathy for this person and their choices. One year later and I am still at peace. It is glorious!

That's the power of forgiveness. It opens your heart to compassion for yourself and others. It brings out your best self and changes your perception of other people and situations. It is a heart-centered approach that opens yourself to knowing greater love in all areas your life. 

I encourage you to give this practice a chance to heal your heart. You deserve inner peace. You deserve love. Just 30 days of practice and I promise you'll feel the difference too. Forgiveness is a gift to yourself and the effects last forever. 

Wishing you a very happy New Year!

For more in depth information on Ho'oponopono check out this website:

or try this book: Ho'oponopono: The Hawaiian Forgiveness Ritual as the Key to Your Life's Fullfilment by Ulrich E. Duprée


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