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Frequency Focus Series: The Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra

It's time to talk about our chakra devoted to love! Not just the romantic kind, but also our self-love, love for our family and others, and even the world we live in. This mighty chakra is a treasure-trove of memories that affect your daily life and who you are. Read on to see if you may have an out of balance Heart Chakra and what you can do to put it back in balance.

The 4th Chakra

The Heart Chakra is the 4th chakra and begins the upper half of the chakra system. It is located in the center of the chest and serves as the bridge between the lower chakras(physical body) and the upper chakras(spiritual body).

The chakra system is an energetic river with two main sources of energy that feed into this river: Earth and Source. The lower chakras (Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus and Heart) are more connected to the Earth energy. The upper chakras of Heart, Throat, Third-Eye and Crown are more connected to Source, cosmic energy or God energy. The Heart Chakra is the water wheel that mixes and connects these two energies into a healthy balance.

Balance: We are comprised of both of these energies. Our physical body is our Earth connection and our chakra system connects us to our true spiritual essence from Source or God. When we focus on centering between these energies, we find our energetic balance as we are meant to have while on Earth. In the next week, I will be sending my personal centering meditation so that you may use it anytime you need more balance.

Working with the Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra radiates the color green and is associated with the element of air. This chakra’s focus is love. In our Heart, we hold our feelings and experiences of love and this chakra’s health impacts how we express love for ourselves and others. Are we open with our love or more closed and stingy? Do we trust or do we always question intent?

An unhealthy or wounded Heart Chakra can look many different ways during a Reiki session. Most commonly, I see a dome over the Heart Chakra. This is a perfect representation of a Heart Wall or a barrier put there by the unconscious mind to protect the Heart Chakra from the outside world. A Heart Wall generally contains emotions that were traumatic experiences of love (heartbreak, grief, betrayal). Emotions that hurt so much to feel that your body repressed them. Your unconscious mind only wants to protect you so they are buried into the Heart Wall for your emotional protection. Seems like a good plan, except these emotions carry low vibrations and negative energy. Overtime, these repressed feelings can lead to physical and mental health issues such as heart disease, depression, lung issues and breast cancer.

What does a person’s personality look like with an out of balance Heart Chakra?

Many people with an out of balance heart tend to be more cynical, pessimistic and jaded about love. They lean very heavily into the hurt feelings they still carry in their heart. There are two extremes for an out of balance Heart Chakra. The first extreme is those who have too much energy in their Heart Chakra. These people tend to be needy, overly attached, clingy, lonely and afraid to let go. They are obsessed with love and being loved. They go looking for love in all the wrong places. Although they are open to love, their approach is usually aggressive, one-sided and more self-serving than a healthy balanced relationship.

The next extreme is when a person has too little energy in their Heart Chakra. This is when someone closes their heart and doesn’t let anything or anyone in. These people may tend to be more cold, guarded, unattached, tired, exhausted, depressed and apathetic. They tend to push people away and avoid meaningful relationships. Giving love is difficult for them because they genuinely have a block or barrier keeping them from expressing the positive feelings of love.

A Side Note: When I think of the quintessential representation of a person with low energy in their Heart Chakra, I always think of Ebenezer Scrooge. Honestly, A Christmas Carol is like a full journey of heart healing from beginning to end.

Scrooge begins with a completely blocked heart. He's closed his heart because of past grief, trauma and heartbreak and instead only "loves" money, which can never hurt him like people can. Throughout the night and visits with the 3 spirits, he deep-dives into the pain and traumas that caused him to close his heart and through revisiting these memories he is able to heal and see how much life he has lost because of this imbalance in his heart. At the end of the story, he finishes releasing the trapped emotions and his heart space is open and the energy is flowing. His heart is fully healed. He opens up to giving joy and love. His newfound love and generosity changes his life and the lives of those around him immediately. Such an inspiring and truly beautiful story about the power of healing the heart!

What can I do to promote healing in the Heart Chakra?

Healing the Heart Chakra takes time and effort. This is the only chakra that regularly puts up barriers so it will take determination and courage to remove the barriers and release all the trapped emotions and experiences.

Reiki and other forms of energy healing can help release trapped emotions in the heart. Energy healing also promotes energy flow to this chakra releasing other blockages and returning the energy to a balanced state. The Heart Chakra usually requires a multi-faceted approach to heal. This chakra's work is most effective when combined with complimentary practices that are utilized together.

Therapy with a trained professional can be very effective when combined with practices like Tai Chi, Reiki, meditation, yoga, sound healing, mantra chanting, Ho’oponopono (for forgiveness) and even dancing. I also find working with animals and being around animals to be very healing for the heart. Animals allow us to love and be loved without judgment.

Using Sound Healing for the Heart Chakra  

For sound healing, try the sound frequency of 639hz. The Heart Chakra responds to the healing frequency of 639hz and there are many tracks and videos available for healing on YouTube and all meditation apps. I have one of my favorite 639hz tracks below. But, I have to say I find two other frequencies very effective when working with the Heart Chakra and use them primarily during sessions.

If you know me, you know I am a researcher. I'm always questioning and digging for more information. If there's a rabbit-hole, I'll definitely be going down least until it starts getting crazy weird. But you never know, there might be useful information down there!

I had been working with sound frequencies for a while when I started researching exact frequencies for chakra healing such as with sound healing and tuning forks. After hearing 639hz corresponded with the Heart Chakra, my questioning-ears perked up. This was not my experience during Reiki sessions. So I turned on hyper-analytical skeptical mode and launched my own experiments to see if I noticed better results with the 639hz or the frequencies I had already found to be very effective with the Heart Chakra.

My results were that 528hz and 432hz are the most helpful frequencies for working with energy in the Heart Chakra from a Reiki point of view. They seem to be overall more relaxing, go lower in the chakra and push imbalances to the surface where they can be easily released.

Therefore, I'm adding my favorite tracks below for these frequencies and you may recognize them from our sessions! I’m also including a light language track called “Heart Healing with the Angels of Pleiades" that always opens my heart space and not just because it’s got a Game of Thrones kinda vibe. The first ten times I listened to it I cried like a baby. I don’t know why and I’m not sure I believe that someone channeling their own light language (like speaking in tongues) has value or meaning for my soul(I've been down this Rabbit Hole), but this piece of music speaks to me because the frequency feels right.

Using the Frequencies for Meditation:

Meditation does not have to be difficult, fancy or intimidating. You can listen to this frequency during an active meditation such as yard work, painting, hiking or walking. For a quiet meditation, just sit comfortably, take a few deep breaths and clear your mind as much as you can. Use music with the 639hz/528hz/432hz frequency and begin by placing your awareness and focus on this chakra's location in your body. Maintain your focus here, envisioning a vibrant glowing emerald green sphere. Push aside thoughts as they come and just feel into your body. Notice anything that comes up physically or mentally and journal your experience after the meditation. For those new to meditation try 5-10 minutes. Experienced meditators try 20-30 minutes.

Mantra Seed Chanting  

Over 10 years ago, I started using the Insight Timer app when all it did was give you a timer and maybe one or two choices for background music. I’d set the timer for 30 minutes and then chant my mantra hopefully the 108 times before the timer went off. Mantra chanting and Kundalini Yoga were my gateway into energy healing. Mantra can be very powerful. This is why I always include the Mantra Seed Chants for each chakra.

Each chakra has a seed sound or mantra that activates and balances the chakra using vibration. The magic frequency comes from the vibration of the vowel in a seed sound. For the heart chakra, it is YAM with the “A” making the “Aw” sound. 

Mantra chanting YAM:  

How to Mantra Chant: In mantra, you would chant RAM in long tones 108 times each day. The use of mala beads helps you keep track of how many times you chant. Each time you say RAM you move to the next bead until you make it all the way around the necklace. A full session can take 10 minutes or more depending on your speed. This is a non-religious style of meditation that uses repetitive chanting to regulate breath, slow down your "monkey mind" and your endless train of thought, and focus on the simple sounds, small movements and vibrations of the practice, taking you out of your head and into the present.

I can only imagine that the most important reason we choose to come to Earth is to learn more about love. Here we learn the full spectrum of emotions, of what it means to be loved and give love. Yes, sometimes it is painful but without darkness we cannot truly appreciate the light. Healing the heart chakra will release the darkness you no longer need and open you to more light. Not only will you feel better and have better overall health, you will also strengthen your connection between your Earthly self and your spiritual self. Honor your heart’s journey and experiences, thank your emotions for the lessons learned and release them back to the universe. With a balanced heart, you will receive all that this life is meant to teach you about love.

Coming Soon:

Frequency Focus Series: The Throat Chakra


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