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Frequency Focus Series: the Sacral Chakra

Feeling out of sync with the world around you? Feeling stuck and creatively blocked? Have a hard time finding things that bring you joy? It may be time to get to know your 2nd chakra and the sound healing frequency you can use to heal it every day. In this episode, we will discuss the 2nd chakra, the Sacral Chakra: your center for your enjoyment of life!

The Sacral Chakra

The Sanskrit word for the sacral chakra is Svadhisthana which roughly translates as "dwelling place of the self" and "sweetness." This chakra is located about two fingers down from your navel, radiates vibrant orange and represents the element of water.

Generally, the sacral chakra is thought of as the sexy chakra. It's usually regarded most as being the seat of reproduction, sensuality and sexuality. And yes, those are pretty important aspects of being human but this chakra is also your supercenter for creativity and knowing how to live your life to the fullest! If I had to envision the sacral chakra as a human, yes it would probably be sexy like a seductive belly-dancing woman dressed in gold and saffron with smoky eyes beckoning you to join in the dance. Honestly, she knows you are going to have a great time if you just jump in and let yourself have fun. That's your sacral in a nutshell. This chakra is always reminding you of your soul's right to joy, pleasure and abundance!

The sacral chakra is the seat of so many aspects of our "self": sensuality, fertility, creativity, emotions, sexuality, passion, pleasure, abundance and well-being. This chakra is associated with the element of water and is represented by regulating emotions and promoting acceptance of change in life. It also represents our body's expression of JOY! It holds our ZEST for life! It governs your physical life force(desire), vitality, raw emotions, relationships, and your ability to give and receive. Your sacral chakra also regulates the health of the reproductive organs, bowels, kidneys and the immune system. It's a pretty important chakra that can affect your entire perception of your daily life.

To say the least, it is vital to your happiness and health that this chakra is in balance. Chakras can function 3 ways in the body: balanced, over-active(too much energy), or under-active(not enough energy). Depending on the state of the chakra your symptoms of an out-of-balance sacral may vary.

What does "out of balance" look like for your sacral chakra?  

  • creatively blocked personally or professionally

  • emotionally more reactive, dramatic and unstable

  • feeling insecure, jealous, envious, frustrated or guilty

  • lack desire

  • addictive behaviors

  • physically can't feel joy or happiness

  • find yourself unable to laugh or don't find things funny anymore

  • feeling overwhelmed

  • depression

  • anxiety

Using Sound Healing for the Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra responds to the healing frequencies of 417hz and 432hz.

Using the Frequencies for Meditation:

Meditation does not have to be difficult, fancy or intimidating. You can listen to this frequency during an active meditation such as yard work, painting, hiking or walking.

For a quiet meditation, just sit comfortably, take a few deep breaths and clear your mind as much as you can. Use music with the 417hz/432hz frequency, and begin by placing your awareness and focus on this chakra's location in your body. Maintain your focus here, envisioning that vibrant orange liquid sphere glowing and spinning. Push aside thoughts as they come and just feel into your body. Notice anything that comes up physically or mentally and journal your experience after the meditation. For those new to meditation try 5-10 minutes. Experienced meditators try 20-30 minutes.

Mantra Seed Chanting

Another way of using frequency for sound healing is using mantra seed chanting. Each chakra has a seed sound or mantra that activates and balances the chakra using vibration. The magic frequency comes from the vibration of the vowel in a seed sound. For the sacral chakra, it is VAM.

How to Manra Chant:

In mantra, you would chant VAM in long tones 108 times each day. The use of mala beads helps you keep track of how many times you chant. Each time you say VAM you move to the next bead until you make it all the way around the necklace. A full session can take 10 minutes or more depending on your speed. This is a style of meditation as the repetitive chanting regulates breath, slows down your "monkey mind" and endless train of thought, and focuses on the simple sound, small movements and vibrations of the practice, taking you out of your head and into the present.

I really love this VAM Chant on the Insight Timer app:

Other ways to balance the sacral chakra at home:

  • Journaling

  • Creative Writing

  • Dancing

  • Tantra

  • Participating in something that brings you joy

  • Yoga

  • Music using the frequency of 417hz/432hz

  • Mantra Seed Chanting VAM

I hope you find balance and JOY as you focus on your sacral chakra!


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