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Frequency Focus Series: the Solar Plexus Chakra

It is time to talk about our egos, self-esteem and confidence! In this episode, I will be a bit more detailed about the importance of this chakra and all the ways it can be affected from a more superficial level to a deeper, darker level. I apologize in advance for a longer blog than normal. However, of all the chakras this one tends to be the pièces de résistance of the energy field and is super important for a happy life. It holds your identity. It holds YOU.

When we think about our identity, we think about the Earth avatar we've created for ourselves. The physical body and all the stories we created about who we are form our ego which we use to interact and survive in this world. This ego is important for protection and strength, and in many ways, growth. During our life, events and interactions with others can build our confidence and self-esteem making us stronger, more resilient and less affected by the words and opinions of others.

However, as we all know, egos are very fragile and can easily be disrupted by failures, hurtful words or negative experiences. It's truly amazing how vulnerable we can be to outside criticism and judgement. Even our own self-reflection at times can be brutal and demoralizing. Our perception of ourselves and our self-worth can be affected by major changes in our lives such as the loss of a job, a project at work not going as well as you expected or even conflict in relationships with loved ones. Our egos are constantly fielding experiences that will strengthen or weaken our self-esteem. All these experiences, thoughts and feelings gather in the energy center of our body called the Solar Plexus.

The Seat of Our Ego

The Solar Plexus is the seat of our ego and controls our self-esteem, power, identity, strength and personal transformation. Our bodies depend on the solar plexus to gather and process identity-related experiences in a way that protects the ego. I feel like the solar plexus works like an elevator in a 3-story store at the mall. Only this elevator starts at the top floor and descends down.

Let's say you park in the parking lot and enter the store. You realize you are on the 3rd floor and there are 2 floors below you. This top floor is where everything going on in life relating to your ego gets put and then sorted for your greatest good at the moment. The top floor acclimates and proficiently processes the information coming in and reinforces our ego. It's a busy and fun floor to be on as you grow and learn from all the experiences!

However, if the information coming in is not able to be processed adequately or is especially negative it gets sent down to the 2nd floor. The 2nd floor becomes a stock room of negative energy that is going to take a bit more time to sift through and lighten up before it can go back up to the top floor. Some information will eventually return to the top floor as it was processed in a healthy way and others may be there for a while, continuing to bother us and affect our perception of ourselves.

Now if the information coming in is just too hurtful, too traumatic, too negative it gets sent way down to the bottom floor. Here in the dark, it gets forgotten. Here it can't hurt you anymore. The solar plexus just wants you to be protected in the short term. Maybe one day we'll deal with that stuff, but not right now. The problem with shoving that stuff way down is it is energetically very dense and heavy and you can almost feel you are carrying it around. Even if you can't see it, it is affecting you on a very deep level. It's so deep that without specific intervention, it will remain there. It will continue to weigh you down, affecting your behavior and health and lowering your self-esteem and confidence until the day comes that you can dig it out and heal.

Working with the Solar Plexus

The Solar Plexus radiates the color yellow and is associated with the element of fire. It tends to look like the sun in a balanced, confident person. When I am working with a client's energy field during a healing session, I often see the visual of the solar plexus reflect the state of that person's confidence and self-esteem. It may be a strong yellow sun or a large, yellow speckled ball with burned out holes all over. When I encounter the latter, I know this person is holding many hurtful experiences related to their ego. Many times this person struggles with low self-esteem, depression and fatigue. The holes symbolize the painful words or memories that made the person feel personally hurt to their core.

An example would be a middle-school girl going through her awkward years and the other girls calling her names, saying she's ugly, fat, etc. You know this scenario. It has happened to pretty much all of us. Those words hurt, made her question herself, and created a painful memory that goes straight to her solar plexus. If an empowering lesson does not come from this experience, it will remain until it is resolved or released. Over time as more negative experiences are collected they can create an imbalance in the solar plexus.

Of all the chakras, this is the chakra I have spent the most time working with on myself during energy healing sessions and meditation. This chakra and I have done a lot of work together over the past few years healing decades old traumas and memories that impacted my self-esteem and confidence. Even as a child and well into my 30s, I was extremely shy, self-conscious and introverted. I was very sensitive to any critique or judgement about me personally so I tried my best to disappear into the background and go unnoticed most of the time. This was the identity I had assumed to protect myself from further pain and hurtful words from others. I was always at odds with this version of myself. This was not who I was meant to be. I felt completely out of alignment with my true self. Changing your personal perception of yourself and clearing and releasing all that negative energy controlling your self-esteem does not take place overnight. I had to make the conscious decision to work on these traumas and accept the perhaps long healing journey. I also had to be comfortable working with my inner-children and shadow-selves.

Deeper Solar Plexus Work

There are two versions of deeper healing that often happens in the solar plexus: Inner-Child Healing and Shadow Work. This is deep bottom floor stored energy. Sometimes this energy can be more dense and may relate to severely traumatic wounds as a child whether from abuse, trauma, neglect, or emotionally charged events in your life. These events may lead to the creation of an Inner-Child that experienced these things. There are many ways to heal these children and bring them into the light. There are very effective methods psychologists use to work with your inner-child. This Time magazine article discusses some alternative ways of working with your inner child:

Frequently when I am sending energy to the solar plexus during a Reiki session, I will see a client's inner-child. I sometimes see many different inner-children of different ages over the course of several healing sessions. If I see any of these inner-children during a session, I know we are sending healing to them at that moment and when they reveal themselves to me, they are giving me a positive visual indicating it's their pain we are releasing. These are always very emotional releases. Healing your inner-child can take time. But once it is complete, this inner child is able to become a healthy part of your identity once again.

Shadow work is also common in the solar plexus. "Shadows" are created from shame and they are usually a part of you that someone or society said is not acceptable. This could be created in a child told to not be so noisy and excited, it's unacceptable. Women told to not express their sensuality because it makes others uncomfortable or jealous, so they repress and bury that part of themselves inside. Taking a part of yourself and hiding it deep inside creates shadow parts of yourself. Shadow work has become far more popular today and there are many ways to work with these shadows so they can release. Targeted meditations can be very beneficial as well as regular energy healings such as Reiki. Karuna Reiki sessions can be especially helpful as Karuna specifically works with traumas such as shadow-selves without the person having to relive or remember these traumas.

What does the physical manifestation of an out of balance solar plexus look like?

It's important to keep the solar plexus balanced not only for our self-esteem and mental health, but also our physical health. As with all chakras, long-term imbalances can begin to physically manifest in the organs governed by the affected chakra. The solar plexus chakra is located below the sternum in the center of the torso which governs the health of your metabolism, emotions, pancreas, adrenals, stomach, gall bladder, digestive tract, skin and central nervous system. Physical symptoms of imbalance can include stomachaches, indigestion, acid-reflux, ulcers, rashes, eating disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, weight difficulties, anxiety, and so many more.

What does a person's personality look like if the solar plexus is out of balance?

  • Competitive

  • Aggressive

  • Egotistical

  • Low self-esteem

  • Low Confidence

  • Powerless

  • Victim mentality

  • Lack of energy

  • Manipulative

  • Indecisive

What does a person's personality look like with a balanced solar plexus chakra?

  • Confident

  • Empowered

  • Motivated

  • Determined

  • Strong

  • Decisive

  • Collaborative

What can I do to promote healing in the solar plexus chakra?

Solar plexus work is most effective when combined with many complimentary practices. Finding several practices to utilize together can be very productive. Practices that are great to combine are meditation, chanting, journaling, family counseling, therapy and regular energy healing sessions. Listening to the sound healing frequency for the solar plexus, 528hz, can support all these modalities by activating and opening this chakra for healing work.

Using Sound Healing for the Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra responds to the healing frequencies of 528hz.I love the 528hz frequency and use it frequently during my energy healing sessions. It is a very neutral and comforting vibe and just makes you feel a little more even and balanced.

Here are my favorite tracks I use the most:

  • Dreamscape For Positive Transformation

  • Miracle Healing Tone- 528Hz Solfeggio Frequency

  • Raise Positive Vibration | 528Hz Positive Energy

    Using the Frequencies for Meditation:

    Meditation does not have to be difficult, fancy or intimidating. You can listen to this frequency during an active meditation such as yard work, painting, hiking or walking. For a quiet meditation, just sit comfortably, take a few deep breaths and clear your mind as much as you can. Use music with the 528hz frequency, and begin by placing your awareness and focus on this chakra's location in your body. Maintain your focus here, envisioning a vibrant glowing yellow sphere. Push aside thoughts as they come and just feel into your body. Notice anything that comes up physically or mentally and journal your experience after the meditation. For those new to meditation try 5-10 minutes. Experienced meditators try 20-30 minutes.

Mantra Seed Chanting

Another way of using frequency for sound healing is using mantra seed chanting. Each chakra has a seed sound or mantra that activates and balances the chakra using vibration. The magic frequency comes from the vibration of the vowel in a seed sound. For the solar plexus chakra, it is RAM.

How to Mantra Chant:

In mantra, you would chant RAM in long tones 108 times each day. The use of mala beads helps you keep track of how many times you chant. Each time you say RAM you move to the next bead until you make it all the way around the necklace. A full session can take 10 minutes or more depending on your speed. This is a non-religious style of meditation that uses repetitive chanting to regulate breath, slow down your "monkey mind" and your endless train of thought, and focus on the simple sounds, small movements and vibrations of the practice, taking you out of your head and into the present.

Other ways to work with your solar plexus at home:

  • Sunbathing

  • Meditation

  • Improving nutrition/eating clean

  • Physical activity or sport of any kind

As you can see from this episode, the solar plexus is a very complex and important chakra to work with. Honestly, there's so much more solar plexus information I wanted to include such as breaking down your culturally-created self and deprogramming...but alas that will have to wait for another day. If you would like to start working with your solar plexus, I recommend trying a multi-faceted approach using several different healing practices in conjunction with each other. Try starting with a mental-health practitioner and add additional practices such as Reiki, chanting, journaling, diet and exercise adjustments, meditation, sound healing, etc. With consistency and time, your solar plexus will soon reflect the confident and strong person you truly are.


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