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Frequency Focus Series: Using Frequency for Healing

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." — Nikola Tesla

Humans are made to interact with the world by engaging our senses. Their awareness defines our life experiences and even our perception of the world. In this series, we will focus primarily on the sense of sound and how to use sound frequency for greater physical and mental well-being.

Sound affects each of us in so many ways. Honestly, sound can make or break our day. Car horns, people yelling or a choir singing can alter our physical and mental state within minutes. Our body and energy field respond to the sound's vibrational frequency. The vibrations alter our brainwaves and can change our mood, create meaning and trigger reactions. We may get irritated, relaxed, cry, scream or feel joy just from a specific sound. Sound can affect survival(hearing a bear growl) or feeling closer to God(monks chanting). Our bodies are wired to use sound and vibration for many different purposes but perhaps the most underused purpose is to promote healing and well-being.

So begins the Frequency Focus series! During this series, I will discuss how to use sound healing and frequency in your daily lives to balance your energy system on a regular basis. In this first episode, we will discuss aligning to the Earth frequency and grounding your energy field.

Earth Frequency

Maybe it's just me, but if I hear a rhythmic drum beat, I literally cannot stop myself from moving. I just can't help it; I feel like it is engrained in our DNA. The drums speak to those primal earthly instincts wanting to connect us to the raw and secure elemental power of Mother Earth. This is not a coincidence. The frequency and rhythm of ceremonial and tribal drums are intentional as they seek to realign us with the Earth's frequency, the Earth's heartbeat. Scientifically this frequency is called the Schumann Resonance, which pulsates between 7.83 hertz to 50 hertz. This frequency is created by lightning strikes around the Earth vibrating throughout Earth's surrounding magnetic field. It's too low for the human ear to hear but our bodies FEEL and sense the extremely low frequency (ELF) through vibration. All living beings feel this vibration and it keeps our energy field grounded and aligned to the frequency of our planet. If you would love to read more about the science behind it all, here are two articles for your curiosity:

Here is an example of the Schumann Resonance vibrational frequency:


So how do we align and ground with the Earth frequency? There are many ways we can incorporate this into our daily lives and we'll start by discussing Earthing. Earthing is having physical contact with the Earth frequency which regulates and grounds our personal energy field. It's crazy to think that we have to mindfully interact with our planet but we as humans do not touch the earth like we used to! Humans no longer walk barefoot outside and have limited opportunities to ground and align with this frequency. If we do go outside, we wear rubber-soled shoes and avoid touching dirt and grass with our feet at all costs. Earthing is a movement bringing us back to the days we lived in harmony with nature. It reminds us to just go outside barefoot and let our energy field receive the benefits of aligning with the frequency of Earth. It reminds me of that unbridled joy you had as a child running around barefoot in the yard, not a care in the world; totally in alignment with the Earth frequency. When was the last time you did that? Right?!

We've all experienced the unconscious benefits of Earthing every time you go to the beach. You immediately throw off those shoes and start walking on the sand. Your feet are connecting to the earth, realigning and letting your body destress. You feel calmer, more relaxed, happier, like you are on vacation...That overall feeling is thanks to that Earth frequency regulating your energy system and bringing you back into balance.

There are many health benefits to Earthing. Studies have shown promise in lowering blood pressure, inflammation, anxiety, regulating circadian rhythm, and so many other benefits. I personally notice any swelling or puffiness in my body to improve noticeably after frequent Earthing. I feel calmer and more even. There are many studies on the health benefits of Earthing but this particular study's findings were fascinating. Check out this article from the National Library of Medicine about Earthing's impact on wound healing and inflammation (Warning: there are a few mildly graphic wound photos in the study):

How do you start Earthing? 

Get outside and touch earth. If running barefoot isn't your thing, gardening and yard work help you interact with this frequency as you touch soil and plants. If you love hiking but obviously need shoes, they make Earthing shoes which allow you to protect your feet but still be able to receive that frequency as you walk. Also shoes made out natural material like leather moccasins work too!

Earthing can even be done indoors when the weather outside is too hot or too cold. Grounding(Earthing) mats can be bought at many retailers including Amazon. These mats are used while you sit, sleep or work at your desk. These mats also help if you've done a little too much meditating and you need to be grounded back down into your physical body.

Get Grounding

Below are some ways to help balance and ground your energy field at home:

  • Earthing

  • Physical activity

  • Gardening

  • Sunbathing

  • Petting animals

  • Music using the 7.83hz frequency

Here are some 7.83hz music tracks you can listen to throughout your day, driving in your car, cleaning, etc... I almost exclusively look for complimentary healing music on Youtube and the Insight Timer App. I've tried many other music and meditation apps but these two are reliable, free and have a lot of well-done, worthy content.

Get out there and start Earthing...with a coat on and probably a beanie.


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